Wines of the 2002 vintage

In 2002, both of my wines depended on the introductions and encouragements of friends. Annie Favia, who had helped to educate me in the world of grape growing since my first day in Napa, introduced me to the amazing back yard vineyard of John and Fay Guman.
John Kongsgaard prodded me to push my winemaking from the realm of theoretical pursuit to the possibility of a profession that might support me. As part of his encouragement, he introduced me to his friend Lee Hudson and gently suggested to Lee that he might find me some grapes. He did, from some uncontracted young vines. These friends helped me make these wines that make me very proud, the first time that I had successfully made red and white wines in the same year:
2002 Maldonado Vineyards Proserpina
As in 2001, I made several other wines than the wines that I bottled; among them 2002 St. Harry’s Chapel (never any good, problematic fermentation), and 2002 Rossi Sangiovese (stuck fermentation, never any good either).